Thursday, October 13, 2011

No Maris #7- Tia Halibel

Name: Tia Halibel
True name: N/A
Age: 29 years old
Powers: All hollow powers, all soul reaper powers, water mastery, cero master and reishi master.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: White Sclera, Sea foam Green iris
Clothing: white shin high boots, tight gray pants, a tight white shirt covered by an open black vest that connected to some sleeves that covered both her arms and up to her thumbs, black gloves, A goldn wedding ring on her left hand and two hollow eye beads on two of her braids.
Skin Color: Light mocha similar to rogue's skin tone
Hair Style: Her hair is golden blond, she has seven braids in her hair that surround her head.
Zanpakuto: release; Tiburon emperial, Full release; white Tiburon emperial.
Place of Zanpakuto: Left shoulder blade
Release Appearance: 1st; she regains the skirt, the boots go a little lower, she now has thigh stalkings, shark face on her stomach area, two shark jaws cover her breasts, her arms are covered with shark ribs with gloves made of shark teeth, her neck is covered with shark fins and she has shark teeth earrings. 2nd; her skirt becomes a pair of pants, her boots take the form of sharks on her legs all the way,the shark face becomes wrapped around her body, the shark jaw bra becomes two shark skulls, her arms look like she has bull sharks on her arms with each finger covered with seventy teeth, she gains shark jaws around her neck and her face has shark teeth over her mouth.

Bio: Several years after the war against soul reapers and returning to huaco mundo, both her followers continued to fight for survival and avoid being eatin by the lower leveled hollows. on the first year they returned, they were assaulted by a forgotten leaving all of them terribly wounded. before the final blow could be done, it was called back thus leaving them wide open. One night as tia healed from the wounds inflicted by the forgotten, her followers were approached by phantom in person. He had offered them the power they needed to protect their master but the price they had to pay was that they must give him a small part of themselves, once they gave him an agreeing nod he stabbed each of them with one of his blade and left it inside them which boosted their power by seven hundred percent. Tia awoke several days later to find her followers beyond the power she held, soon the same forgotten returned to claim their lives but to its suprise, apacci, sun-sun and mila rose showed off their new power thus destroying the forgotten in mere seconds. Once the forgotten was truly dead, the three of them were suddenly struck with an enormous amount of raw reishi. Inside the enormous stream of reishi, their bodies were being twisted, merged and fused into one being. Before they were fully merged, apacci shouted out to phantom "What the hell is this? What have you done to us?" phantom whispered into the mangled ear of them that he took their individuality and their free will but he knew that they wouldn't prove useful thus he chose to recycle their bodies to make something that would prove worthy of him. Once they were fully fused, the creature was called the chimera master, to test its new power phantom ordered it to kill tia on the spot. Tia barly managed to escape but before she crawled away, she managed to slice its hand. Two weeks past and once they did, the chimera returned but with a strange suprise, phantom came behind it and to add insult to injury, absorbed the chimera into his body thus making him increase in power by six percent. each time she tried to attack phantom, he forced out the face of one of her subordinates to stop her attack. phantom grabbed her by the hair and was about to swallow her when rogue interferred and jabbeded a hole through his stomach thus making him drop her. in the process of rmoving his hand phantom tried to swallow his arm but found that rogue was still beyond his reach but he also managed to seperate seven strands of each of tia's subordinates hair. Phantom left in an instant but tia was horribly beaten thus rogue took her to the healing tank back in his world and waited for the years to go by but first he had to erase her memory of huaco mundo after the war. Once she awoke three years later she was confronted by rogue who introduced her to the No Maris, three days of thinking she chose to talk with rogue to find out why she was there but found out that she was a guest and not a prisoner, she soon found herself being offered to become a No Maris. She also found herself making love to rogue which turned out to be the best she ever had since he lasted four hours while she lasted for thirty minutes (Literally life changing). she became No-Maris number seven as well as rogue's wife (there wedding was with rogue's master), it took them several months to seal phantom inside a solid reishi steel. Once this was all over, Tia found herself pregnant (Rogue's masters wedding present), on her due date she gave birth to twins. she's currently satisfied with her life, with her son and daughter, with her new friends and her truly loving husband.
Personality: Quite, calm, she tries to hide her love for rogue, she still remained to be a woman that rivaled the most feared shark frenzy, she still remains the same person but she has become quite mellow.
Ranking: No Maris #7, rogue's wife, queen of sharks.
New Tattoo Area: On her left cheek, Roman numeral seven.

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