Sunday, August 21, 2011

Former No Maris #6- Phantom

Name: micheal worinthal strikal
True Name: Phantom
Powers:  All soul reaper powers, all hollow powers, Invisibility,able to pass through solid objects, absobtion, body manipulation And three of rogue's powers.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 170 lbs
Old Eye Color: White Sclera, Sea Blue Iris
New Eye Color: Black sclera, Blood red iris
Old Clothing: White Boots, Black Pants, White Skin Tight Shirt, Brown Vest zipped shut, White Trench Coat (Ends at ankles), Black Fingerless Gloves, a silver neck choker and a head band with the words "Slice & Dice".
New Clothing: White sandles, tight white pants, white skin tight shirt, white vest zipped shut, black trench coat with a hood on the back (ends at his knee's), White fingerless gloves, White neck collar, and white goggles covering his forehead (Sniper glass).
Old Skin Color: Light black skin
New Skin Color: snow white skin
Old Hair style: Light brown hair, Corn rolls with bells at the end.
New Hair style: Bone white hair, dread locks and needles at the end of each lock.
Zanpakuto: Shikai; senshimi, Bankai: horozaki senshimi.
Place of Zanpakuto: across his back aiming towards the right.
Zanpakuto Appearance: Shikai; Duel end sword, dragon markings on one blade, and a tiger on the other blade. Bankai; arm holding it gets covered with a silver gauntlet, thousands of blades cover gauntlet, wires at the bottom of each blade.

Bio: He was the second Male No Maris to be born, Like Dead-wire he was a quick study. He mastered each of the side powers the same time as dead-wire and took pride in killing his prey, he had a huge crush on Dead-wire during his time as a student. On a slightly strange day he was sent to an area with two "Forgotten" where he had no issue destroying them but was confronted by Rogue's fellow student Lucifer. With a slight twist of the tongue, he was convinced that rogue should die and he should rule the realm. He saw that he needed more power so he plotted to murder the others and take their powers, he returned ASAP and waited till the others were busy with other matters to strike. He waited for nearly twelve hours to strike and when he did, he aimed straight for Fang. He barely slashed her but left her a three clawed scar over her right eye since he was stopped by Dead-wire, He tried to bargin with her and convince her to join him but she flat out refused which lead to a heavy fight between them and ended when Phantom used a cero point blank range in her face leaving her horribly burned & scarred on the left side of her face. He figured that he had no time for the rest and went straight for rogue, unfortunatly Phoenixia warned rogue of the issue so rogue stood waiting for him at the end of the corridor from the fight. He charged blind at rogue which lead to his chest to be slashed then rogue's full body assault. He was thought to be dead since rogue didn't leave a single piece of him intact but a few fragments of his mind clung to his reishi where it was taken to the birth area of all forgotten, he found that he was reborn from the area and became something different. Seeing his appearance made him sick since he no longer looked like he was a No Maris yet he kept his eyes. he dedicated his new life to destroying the No Maris and rogue even if it lead to destroying all of the worlds.
Personality: Cruel, insane, evil, yet he's very... clumsy, still loves to kill also still in love with Dead-Wire.
Ranking: Has no ranking among the No Maris but is the leader of the Fallen.
Former Tattoo Area: a Roman Numeral Six on his Forehead.
New Mark: A scythe and a sword behind a shield with his eye on it. In the center of his Chest.

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