Saturday, December 3, 2011

No-Maris #8- Angel & Demona

Names: Mark & Helen Zee Halibel
True Names: Angel & Demona
Age: both are 14 1/2
Powers: M;all soul reaper powers, purify, seven of rogue's powers. H; all Hollow powers, corruption, seven of rogue's powers. Both; still growing.
Height: B; 5'1"
Weight: M; 109lbs, H; 107.
Eye color: M; Sea Blue iris, white sclera. H; Black sclera, Gold Iris.
Clothing: M; white shoe's, gray socks, light gray pants, white shirt, blue coat, white right hand glove, white metal choker with his name on it. H; Black boots, white socks, Dark gray pants, Black shirt, Red coat, black left hand glove, black metal choker with her name on it.
Skin color: M; light tan skin, H; dark tan skin.
Hair Style: M; Spiky short yellow hair. H; long black pony tail (ends at shoulders).
Zanpakatou's: M; Shikai;Angelio tensa, Bankai: Angelio tensa kami regula. H; 1st form; demona naraku, 2nd form; Demona naraku devilania.
Place of Zanpaktou's: M; right hip side, H; left hip side
Zanpaktou appearance: M; shikai; white blade with angel wings on the guard. Bankai; entire back has Two large metal Angel wings on him. H; 1st; sharp teeth, sharp claws, Black wings. 2nd; her Back gets two lage demon wings, horns, demon tail.

Bio: After phantom was sealed, Tia and Rogue settled down to relax and enjoy each other company which lead to a seven hour screw. They both are truly Rogue and Tia's children and share sevearl of their characteristics but mostly they have their own personality. Mark was found to be highly kind and pure plus highly sensetive to life, he was known to be a mama's boy or in better terms a "Sissy". Helen on the other hand is highly agreesive and wild, she trys to be a tom-boy, she is some what of a daddy's girl. She is known to be a party animal. both the twins share the title of No-Maris number eight, though they truly they are total opposites. they have no human forms but they try to look human inside there home. The only thing that they both agree to is that they love their parents and that they love to fight. Neither trully care about the two paths that their father is apart but they both feel that the paths should just not affect their father. They grew up around the No-Maris and were even taught by each of them different principes of life though they never go to the human world. They both specialize in duel combat and single combat but when together, they rival even the strongest fighter except the other No-Maris and their father.When rogue heard that His wife was pregnant, he was found to be over joyed, he even modified his world to make room for them. Tia delivered them both at the exact stroke of midnight on halloween, and were delivered to by their father in person. Eventually they will grow up to be ultimate fighters like their parents but until then they will need alot of lessons and even more love. Both of them know about phantom but they gave up on trying to figure out what made him so bad.
Personality: M; sissy, sensitive and very kind. H; Wild, party girl, tom-boyish and very serious.
Ranking: #8, rogue's children, Tia's children.
Tattoo Area: M; Half roman numeral eight on his right shoulder blade, H; Half roman numeral eight on her left shoulder. (when back to back make a whole roman numeral eight.) ( the middle I is the breaking point. on their own the divide point holds mini roman numeral wrapping around their arms)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

No Maris #7- Tia Halibel

Name: Tia Halibel
True name: N/A
Age: 29 years old
Powers: All hollow powers, all soul reaper powers, water mastery, cero master and reishi master.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: White Sclera, Sea foam Green iris
Clothing: white shin high boots, tight gray pants, a tight white shirt covered by an open black vest that connected to some sleeves that covered both her arms and up to her thumbs, black gloves, A goldn wedding ring on her left hand and two hollow eye beads on two of her braids.
Skin Color: Light mocha similar to rogue's skin tone
Hair Style: Her hair is golden blond, she has seven braids in her hair that surround her head.
Zanpakuto: release; Tiburon emperial, Full release; white Tiburon emperial.
Place of Zanpakuto: Left shoulder blade
Release Appearance: 1st; she regains the skirt, the boots go a little lower, she now has thigh stalkings, shark face on her stomach area, two shark jaws cover her breasts, her arms are covered with shark ribs with gloves made of shark teeth, her neck is covered with shark fins and she has shark teeth earrings. 2nd; her skirt becomes a pair of pants, her boots take the form of sharks on her legs all the way,the shark face becomes wrapped around her body, the shark jaw bra becomes two shark skulls, her arms look like she has bull sharks on her arms with each finger covered with seventy teeth, she gains shark jaws around her neck and her face has shark teeth over her mouth.

Bio: Several years after the war against soul reapers and returning to huaco mundo, both her followers continued to fight for survival and avoid being eatin by the lower leveled hollows. on the first year they returned, they were assaulted by a forgotten leaving all of them terribly wounded. before the final blow could be done, it was called back thus leaving them wide open. One night as tia healed from the wounds inflicted by the forgotten, her followers were approached by phantom in person. He had offered them the power they needed to protect their master but the price they had to pay was that they must give him a small part of themselves, once they gave him an agreeing nod he stabbed each of them with one of his blade and left it inside them which boosted their power by seven hundred percent. Tia awoke several days later to find her followers beyond the power she held, soon the same forgotten returned to claim their lives but to its suprise, apacci, sun-sun and mila rose showed off their new power thus destroying the forgotten in mere seconds. Once the forgotten was truly dead, the three of them were suddenly struck with an enormous amount of raw reishi. Inside the enormous stream of reishi, their bodies were being twisted, merged and fused into one being. Before they were fully merged, apacci shouted out to phantom "What the hell is this? What have you done to us?" phantom whispered into the mangled ear of them that he took their individuality and their free will but he knew that they wouldn't prove useful thus he chose to recycle their bodies to make something that would prove worthy of him. Once they were fully fused, the creature was called the chimera master, to test its new power phantom ordered it to kill tia on the spot. Tia barly managed to escape but before she crawled away, she managed to slice its hand. Two weeks past and once they did, the chimera returned but with a strange suprise, phantom came behind it and to add insult to injury, absorbed the chimera into his body thus making him increase in power by six percent. each time she tried to attack phantom, he forced out the face of one of her subordinates to stop her attack. phantom grabbed her by the hair and was about to swallow her when rogue interferred and jabbeded a hole through his stomach thus making him drop her. in the process of rmoving his hand phantom tried to swallow his arm but found that rogue was still beyond his reach but he also managed to seperate seven strands of each of tia's subordinates hair. Phantom left in an instant but tia was horribly beaten thus rogue took her to the healing tank back in his world and waited for the years to go by but first he had to erase her memory of huaco mundo after the war. Once she awoke three years later she was confronted by rogue who introduced her to the No Maris, three days of thinking she chose to talk with rogue to find out why she was there but found out that she was a guest and not a prisoner, she soon found herself being offered to become a No Maris. She also found herself making love to rogue which turned out to be the best she ever had since he lasted four hours while she lasted for thirty minutes (Literally life changing). she became No-Maris number seven as well as rogue's wife (there wedding was with rogue's master), it took them several months to seal phantom inside a solid reishi steel. Once this was all over, Tia found herself pregnant (Rogue's masters wedding present), on her due date she gave birth to twins. she's currently satisfied with her life, with her son and daughter, with her new friends and her truly loving husband.
Personality: Quite, calm, she tries to hide her love for rogue, she still remained to be a woman that rivaled the most feared shark frenzy, she still remains the same person but she has become quite mellow.
Ranking: No Maris #7, rogue's wife, queen of sharks.
New Tattoo Area: On her left cheek, Roman numeral seven.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Former No Maris #6- Phantom

Name: micheal worinthal strikal
True Name: Phantom
Powers:  All soul reaper powers, all hollow powers, Invisibility,able to pass through solid objects, absobtion, body manipulation And three of rogue's powers.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 170 lbs
Old Eye Color: White Sclera, Sea Blue Iris
New Eye Color: Black sclera, Blood red iris
Old Clothing: White Boots, Black Pants, White Skin Tight Shirt, Brown Vest zipped shut, White Trench Coat (Ends at ankles), Black Fingerless Gloves, a silver neck choker and a head band with the words "Slice & Dice".
New Clothing: White sandles, tight white pants, white skin tight shirt, white vest zipped shut, black trench coat with a hood on the back (ends at his knee's), White fingerless gloves, White neck collar, and white goggles covering his forehead (Sniper glass).
Old Skin Color: Light black skin
New Skin Color: snow white skin
Old Hair style: Light brown hair, Corn rolls with bells at the end.
New Hair style: Bone white hair, dread locks and needles at the end of each lock.
Zanpakuto: Shikai; senshimi, Bankai: horozaki senshimi.
Place of Zanpakuto: across his back aiming towards the right.
Zanpakuto Appearance: Shikai; Duel end sword, dragon markings on one blade, and a tiger on the other blade. Bankai; arm holding it gets covered with a silver gauntlet, thousands of blades cover gauntlet, wires at the bottom of each blade.

Bio: He was the second Male No Maris to be born, Like Dead-wire he was a quick study. He mastered each of the side powers the same time as dead-wire and took pride in killing his prey, he had a huge crush on Dead-wire during his time as a student. On a slightly strange day he was sent to an area with two "Forgotten" where he had no issue destroying them but was confronted by Rogue's fellow student Lucifer. With a slight twist of the tongue, he was convinced that rogue should die and he should rule the realm. He saw that he needed more power so he plotted to murder the others and take their powers, he returned ASAP and waited till the others were busy with other matters to strike. He waited for nearly twelve hours to strike and when he did, he aimed straight for Fang. He barely slashed her but left her a three clawed scar over her right eye since he was stopped by Dead-wire, He tried to bargin with her and convince her to join him but she flat out refused which lead to a heavy fight between them and ended when Phantom used a cero point blank range in her face leaving her horribly burned & scarred on the left side of her face. He figured that he had no time for the rest and went straight for rogue, unfortunatly Phoenixia warned rogue of the issue so rogue stood waiting for him at the end of the corridor from the fight. He charged blind at rogue which lead to his chest to be slashed then rogue's full body assault. He was thought to be dead since rogue didn't leave a single piece of him intact but a few fragments of his mind clung to his reishi where it was taken to the birth area of all forgotten, he found that he was reborn from the area and became something different. Seeing his appearance made him sick since he no longer looked like he was a No Maris yet he kept his eyes. he dedicated his new life to destroying the No Maris and rogue even if it lead to destroying all of the worlds.
Personality: Cruel, insane, evil, yet he's very... clumsy, still loves to kill also still in love with Dead-Wire.
Ranking: Has no ranking among the No Maris but is the leader of the Fallen.
Former Tattoo Area: a Roman Numeral Six on his Forehead.
New Mark: A scythe and a sword behind a shield with his eye on it. In the center of his Chest.

No Maris # 5- Reaper

Name: Tenchi Miyokoru Colipso
True name: Reaper
Age:19 years after the mortal realm came to be.
Power: 98% soul Reaper, 75% Hollow, 2% rogue's power, Spirit slashes, and Soul Cleansing
Height: 7' 1"
Weight: 209 lbs
Eye Color: White sclera, red Iris
Clothing: Soul reaper sandles, black socks, Gray pants (Slightly baggy), Skin tight black shirt, A loose white coat (Stops at ankles), Black gloves, Gray goggles and a white neck band.
Skin Color: Pale white, close to Phoenixia but has more color.
Hair Style: High and Tight, brown hair
Zanpakuto: Shikai; Karagiri Akuma, Bankai; Noshimaru Karagiri Akuma. (Also holds rogue's gift to him)
Place of Zanpakuto: Across his back, aiming to his left shoulder.
Zanpakuto Appearance: Shikai; Black scyth with Hollow eyes in the blade. Bankai; Thick Demon wings and his scyth.

Bio: He was born at the same time as Phoenixia, thus he came to the conclusion that they were siblings. He grew to a large height as he grew up but never lost sight of his sister, even though he annoy's phoenixia he finds that its his way of showing his love for her. He infiltrated the soul society and learned everything the soul reapers knew as well as their limitations, he earned his way along side the current captain general. Though reaper hasn't aged a second after he returned to rogue's realm, he watched as the soul reapers who called him friend aged and died yet he felt nothing. After Phantom betrayed them, he became an emotionless soldier, he never argues with anyone else besides Phoenixia. He rarely asks any questions when given an order but still he makes sure the job gets done. When not he's not given an order, he stands firmly in the background of the others. He became very loyal to rogue when he chose to make it official that he was phoenixia's brother. He stands firm that his sister is the only woman he needs in his life. His main job in the No Maris is the top lacky in the system. When he calls his weapon out, people have been to known to call him the second reaper of death, He shows that he's related to Phoenixia by going insane when he calls out his weapon. In his fianl acts of a good kill he opens his gift that rogue gave them all making them the No Maris.
Personality: Stubborn, questionless, loyal and somewhat of a walking wall.
Ranking: Top lacky, errand boy, and Sibling to Phoenixia.
Tattoo Area: Roman numeral five on the side of his neck.

No Maris #4- Fang

Name: Tatsuki Michigo Hasagawa
True Name: Dragon- Fang (Preferes to be called Fang)
Age: 25 years after the mortal realm was born.
Power: 99% soul reaper powers, 81% hollow powers, Master of shunpo & sonido, rieshi use and master of all martial arts.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 196 lbs
Eye Color: White sclera, sea blue iris.
Clothing: White leather sandles, Black Leggings, Gray shorts, White shirt, Black vest (Closed), Grey fingerless gloves, White sleeves, Hollow eye neckless and silver knuckles.
Skin Color: Light tan, mostly white.
Hair Style: Light brown, blue streaks on either side. Kept messy for her personality.
Zanpakuto: Shikai; Dragonista, Bankai; Tensa Maru Dragonista
Place of Zanpakuto: Left side of her hip.
Zanpakuto Appearance: Shikai; both arms are covered with gauntlets with dragon heads, Bankai; Covered in silver armor that makes her look like a dragon knight.

Bio: Four of the No Maris for her way of life, she was a practical joker in her earlier years and would occasionally take things too far. Offten she would prank Phoenixia which led to a chase, she would always get away. She enjoyed the mortal's fighting style and even began to teach herself the priciple of all martial arts. Seeing that she needed a challenge, she started to learn more about soul reapers, she also went to huaco mundo to learn about hollows and even managed to figure out all of their fighting styles. Growing bored of all the training, she convinced rogue to allow Acid-vire and her to have mortal Demi's for fun. Her demi is still alive but she rarelly controls what it does, she did however set her up to help protect Orihime Inou even after Acid-Vire's demi died. After the Incident that Phantom caused her to drop most of her child like behavior but now and then she does play around with the others. her main job within the No Maris is to be Rogue's assisstant when he does medical work. She spends most of her time training her strength, she is known to be the strongest in the muscle catogory. On rare occasions she does make some Minuses to teach before they run out of power and die. she also helps the others when they need to look over data or when they need help with small things (Putting up a decoration for their room.) Rogue still teaches her new lessons on the topic of his stength but now answers the questions that rattle her brain. she is still bothered by the three claw scar she obtained from phantom over her right eye, she now sees it as a reminder that she should never let her guard down.
Personality: Sweet, kind, thrill seaker, serios when need be but mostly into training her biceps, triceps, abs, and her calf muscles.
Ranking: Head nurse, lead healer, medicine maker and rogue's assisstant.
Tatto Area: Roman numeral Four on her left Knee.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

No Maris #3- Acid-Vire

Name: Sora Kujai Inoue
True Name: Acid-Vire
Age: 21 years after the mortal realm came to be.
Power: 98% percent soul reaper powers, 99% hollow powers, Acid mastery, serpent uses and high intellegence.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 205 lbs
Eye Color: Normal sclera, light yellow iris and Slit pupil.
Clothing: Black and White shoes, Gray pants, Gray shirt, black cloak (Goes to his hip), Gray gloves, A pair of hollow eye cufflinks, a head band with the word snake on it and a white leather collar on his neck.
Skin Color: Slightly greenish but more over normal.
Hair style: Brown, goes down to his neck yet never covers his face.
Zanpakuto: Release; Serpentino, Full release; disolo Serpentino.
Place of Zanpakuto: on the right side of his hip.
Release Appearance: 1st; covered in snake armor and skin becomes tropical green with fangs, 2nd; Covered in snakes with a cobra hood on back of his head and the gaining of a tail.

Bio: First male to be born but third to be born all together. he was able to learn some what faster than almost everyone except dead-wire and Phantom, he learned to love life as it came to him. On the day that rogue taught them about the realm of mortals, he was intreaged to see life through their eyes and was even apart of the temp program with fang. His demi form didn't last long since he only got live for twenty one years until he died from a car accident. though rogue put he was put in the inou family along with Orihime Inou due to rogue having a vision of her future thus giving her protection. he grew attached to her even after his demi died. He continues to watch over her even as he is takes his place with the other No maris. After phantom tried to kill them all, he went with Phoenixia to huaco mundo to control his hollow powers, which lead to him becoming more serpent like as well as produce acids. Due to his power over acid, he learned that he could make different types of acid plus due to the serpent part of his power, he goes heavy on his "S". He hold the rank of the third No maris not only for his birth timing but also because he's on reconosense. with his abilitie to dislocate his bones, he was able to find many different hiding places during his recon missions.
Personality:  Polite, calm, hard to anger, sly and for some reason very crafty.
Ranking: Head of recon, informate, has no leadership in his being.
Tattoo Area: Roman numeral three on his back (Left shoulder blade)

Friday, August 19, 2011

No Maris #2- Phoenixia

Name: Jessica Romania Colipso
True Name: Phoenixia
Age: 19 years after the mortal realm came to be.
Powers: 99% of the soul reapers powers, All hollow powers, eturnal hunger and black hole mastery
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eye color: White Sclera, Hazil Iris
Clothing: Gray slipper shoes, Black Shirt (Doesn't cover her belly), Black leggings (Or stockings),White mini-skirt, Gray vest (open), Hollow eye earrings, black Arm guards and white fingerless gloves.
Skin Color: Pale white but kinda like a sun deprived teenager.
Hair Style: Brown with a green streak on the left side. Messy and crazy but short, it only reaches her neck.
Zanpakuto: release; Onengii, Full release; kentomaru Onenjii
Place of Zanpakuto: On her left calf.
Release Apearance: 1st; half inch claws, a small mouth on her stomach, sharp teeth, taloned feet and white armor that looks like bones. 2nd; Foot long claws, second mouth fully covering her stomach, eyes on her breast area, tendrils that have claws at the end in place of her hair and six more rows of razor sharp teeth.

Bio: She was the second to be born of the No Maris, she began to learn with dead wire at the time and was soon her best friend. she found that during rogues teachings about hollows that they would be interesting to fight against. She practiced her power withdead wire and rarely seen separated from her. Each time she was around the other No Maris they would always find that her behavior was that of a savage similar to and animal.  When Phantom went on his plot to murder the rest, she tried to save dead wire but failed to even warn anyone of the others. Once the phantom issue was taken care of, she lost sight of her sanity. She went to huaco mundo to master her dark side, though once her powers were fully awakened she lost her stomach. In place of her stomach was something that could never be filled, in rogue's sight her power was based around black holes thus coming to the conclusion that her stomach was a black hole. She learned to control her power but had issues when she ate something on accident but rogue always pulled it out when she did. Her main job in the No Maris is to clean up bloody messes, assassinations and the occasional message deliverer. To saticfy her hunger, she goe's to huaco mundo to eat a gillian, adjucha, some vasto lordes and on extremely rare arrancars.
Personality: Insane, crazy, she acts more like a savage animal yet she is a faithful and loyal companion. she constintly adds an insane laugh whenever she talks.
Ranking: Number 2, assassinations, clean up and third in command.
Tattoo Area: Roman numeral two on her left fore arm.

No Maris #1- Dead-Wire

Name: Karin Blanko Masterson
True Name: Dead-Wire
Age: 18 years after the begining of the mortal realm.
Power: All soul reaper powers, all hollow powers, reishi mastery, and 30,000 of rogue's powers.
Height: 5' 6"
Weight:  150 lbs
Eye Color: Black Sclera, Dark Yellow Iris
Clothing: Black boots, Black pants (Skin tight), White T-Shirt, Tight gray vest with buckles on the center, Long Sleeve less gray coat (Stops at her ankles), Death Black Leather gauntlets covering 100% of her arms, Three Black leather strips on his upper arms, and a Hollow mask to hide her face.
Skin color: Slightly tan, closer to rogue's skin.
Hair Style: her hair is Black and looks like ichigo's. Goes to the middle of her back. Its in a pony tail thats in a braid (think edward elric).
Zanpakuto: Shikai; Sangetsu (gone forever), Bankai; Naraku Sangetsu (Perminatly on)
Place of Zanpakuto: (Was on her back but do to high spiritual power, its in constant Bankai) On both arms.
Zanpakuto Appearance: Shikai; black wires on the hilt of her sword (Gone forever). Bankai; Death black Gauntlets with three leather strips on her upper arm.

Bio: She was the first of the No maris to be born, she once was a woman who wasn't afraid to communicate with people and was eager to be around other people. She helped out the other No maris as they learned with rogue, she was one of the best students that rogue ever had next  micheal worinthal strikal aka Phantom. Until one day in rogue's realm, Phantom tried to claim the life of the others to gain their powers and murder rogue. He managed to slash fang when karin arrived but she still mangaed to hold him off for several hours until he blasted her face completely burning most of it, she managed to stall Phantom until their master arrived. Once rogue destroyed phantom, she awoke to find herself in the medical area with her entire head wrapped in bandages. Upon staggering to the mirror, she ripped off the bandages to reveal the horrible scar Phantom had left her with. From that day on, she dedicated her mind and body to training to become closer to rogue plus she covered her face with her hollow mask to hide her shame. When she finally reached her goal of power, she discarded her old name and took on the title dead-wire due to her zanpakuto's kill method. She asked Rogue to erased the others memory of her face and voice, she currently communicates through her spiritual pressure but only allows rogue to see her face and hear her voice. Since the day that rogue met her she had a crush on him and once she got to know rogue better she fell deeply in love with him. She hides her feeling for him but shows it through her undying loyalty to him and by following his orders to the dot. She remains emotionless and never showing any sign of emotions. she does annoy the others by ONLY talking to rogue and allowing him to see her real face, she communicates through her spiritual pressure (Think telephathy)
Hollow mask: white with forehead covered in spikes, four stripes on the cheek area, sharp teeth and eye holes similar to ichigo's mask.
Personaliy: None, she's shows any sign of emotion.
Ranking: Number 1, She's second in command behind rogue.
Tattoo Area: Roman numeral one in the center of her chest.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Name: N/A
Age: begining of time
Power: Too many to list
Height: 6'
Weight: 210 lbs
Eye color: Black Sclera, Dark Yellow Iris
Clothing: Black boots, Right side of his pants are white, left side of pants are black, Tight black shirt showing his abes, Tight coat zipped shut(Coat:left sleave white, left side body black, Right side body white, right sleave black) Right hand white glove, Left hand black glove.
Skin Color: Light tan
Hair style: Similar to Ichigo kurosaki but has a pony that goes to the center of his back Black as the night sky.
Zanpakuto: Shikai; (Right hand) Tensa Sutoraika, (Left Hand) Naraku Sutoraika] Bankai; Tensa go Naraku sutoraika.
Place of Zanpakuto: Center of his back, aligned with his spine.

Bio: Born at the begining of time with two other beings but soon found that his master (God) to be quite scary. he spent most of his life training under his master to use his unique power, he then went on to doing missions for his master doing weird things and making other things. Eventually he grew to wanting to be his own being, his own person. It is unknown to how he gained his freedom yet how he lost his name but he was given a realm where nothing existed. He crafted his world out with his bare hands to take the appearance of a long set of corridors lit with small lights in the center of the ceiling while the walls have doors that lead to different environments for him to live in since he couldn't make up his mind on where he wanted to live. A few centuries passed when he decided to make some companions, he searched all over the three worlds for some canidates for his friends but to no luck. He was about to give up when he found six black figures that resembled blanks yet they felt like that they weren't made from the normal soul compounds, he called them nugoros blanks seeing that they were made stray reishi and not having anything else. he came to each of them and offered them individuality in exchange for their friendship. Once they all gave him a yes gesture, he used his power of creation too give them individuality. He then spent years teaching them most of his knowledge to help them. One hundred and thirty seven years passed in the worlds but within rogues home, he controled time to move extremely slow for them and even to help them. He even found an orphaned soul in the soul society and adopted him, unfortunatly the child died from a disease leaving saddness in his heart. One of his students chose to break his word and murder rogue, in the process he scarred two other, not too long after that rogue destroyed him personally. feeling his pain he locked himself in his room, he didn't leave it until the other five passed his standards and expectations. As a reward for passing his tests, he gave them each a pair of his eyes, luckily his eyes regrew instantly with a new power. From there graduation he created the group called the No Maris meaning never more. He set out a couple of times to both the soul society, huaco mundo, and even in the mortal realm where he gained alot of pull with the leaders of each realm. He did warn them that if his friends are there that they've been given a mission to fix things, destroy thing or even make things happen. In the past he had his eyes on the arrancar Tia Halibel. He began to admire her personallity but later fell in love with her and planned to make her his wife but found that her time would end when aizen killed her but that proved to be a false alarm, her true demise was seen to be when phantom devoured her and her subordinates. If he interferred she was doomed to die after phantom took the blow but saw that her body would last for one hour before she fully died so he took his chance and saved her. He immediatly had one of the No maris prepare her for the best healing capsule thus leading to his four year wait, once she awoke he explained the situation then gave her a tour of the entire realm. She remained normal for three days until she confronted rogue about her reason for being there, During the long chat she fell deeply in love with him which lead to something more physical activity(They had the most intense sex for four hours). After the activity, Rogue asked her to be his wife which she replied with a yes and rogue made her the Seventh No Maris. Little else is known from there, It is known that his master still asks him for thing to be done.Currently he's living a fufilled life with a beautiful wife, five great friend and a Child to be born (a gift from his master).
Personality: Calm, cool, relaxed yet serious, focused and determined.
Best Creation: The No-Maris